The importance of cybersecurity in Industry 4.0: how to ensure it?
As the digitization process of enterprises advances, the need to protect sensitive information and data is also becoming more pressing. In fact, digital transformation is not just about mere technological advancement: it is also about constant attention to the development of effective strategies to safeguard smart networks from potential cyber-attacks. In this sense, cybersecurity assumes primary […]
On the one hand, networked medical devices are revolutionising the way patients engage with healthcare. On the other hand, these devices are exposing millions of patients and healthcare providers to safety and security risks. While in the past the healthcare industry focused largely on patient privacy, it is important to note that security is not […]
Tracing and tracking the emergence, epidemiology and dispersal of Malaria and Dengue virus
The four mosquito-borne dengue virus serotypes (DENV1–DENV4) cause a high burden of disease throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Nevertheless, their precise epidemiological history in Africa - including when and where they originated and were distributed during the 20th century - remains unclear, stressing the need for One Health focused research. The […]
Press News II-2022: Emergenza idrica, ecco il White Paper Sensoworks
Deliberato lo stato di emergenza: nei nostri capoluoghi ogni anno vanno sprecati 42 metri cubi di acqua per ogni chilometro di rete. L’EMERGENZA IDRICA AVANZA: CON IL MONITORAGGIO DINAMICO SI RIDURREBBERO PERDITE E SPRECHI, ECCO IL WHITE PAPER DI SENSOWORKS Il Consiglio dei Ministri ha deliberato lo stato di emergenza, fino al 31 dicembre 2022, […]
Il Waste Management assume sempre più un fattore critico delle moderne Smart City, sempre più popolate e sempre più connesse. Sensoworks, ha progettato una soluzione ad hoc per il waste management che di fatto è sempre più l’elemento cardine delle moderne Smart City al fine di renderle più vivibili e più sostenibili. Scopriamo nel dettaglio […]
Waste Management increasingly assumes a critical factor of modern Smart Cities, increasingly population and increasingly connected objects. Sensoworks has designed an ad hoc solution for waste management that in fact is increasingly the key element of modern Smart Cities in order to make them more livable and more sustainable. Let's discover in detail the multi-sensor […]
Is a transition to a circular economy model in the use of water resources possible? We absolutely believe so, let's see how. In the previous two articles on the subject of "water" we defined the assets to be measured and on which to act to ensure a future in which the water supply is sufficient […]
The features and the layered model of smart cities: how Sensoworks can act
Why is it important for the cities of the future to integrate objects, technologies, and resources? Why should the cities of the future pursue a smart development model that is sustainable, efficient, and innovative (for more information on the smart city paradigm, read this article)? By 2050, according to the United Nations report, 70% of […]
Water infrastructure: the predictive solution from Sensoworks
The role of big data and IoT in resource optimisation, waste management, predictive analytics and consumer satisfaction. In the previous article, we looked at the four assets that need to be benchmarked and acted upon to ensure a future where there is sufficient water supply for the world's population and, after identifying water loss from […]
Four assets for the most precious commodity: water.
Ça va sans dire: there is no civilisation since the beginning of time that has not chased after fresh water and tried to control, manage and purify it as a primary commodity necessary for life. All the great cities were founded on the banks of great rivers or diverted their course to their own advantage […]
Urban sensitivity and innovation: the Smart City paradigm and the Sensoworks solution
What will the cities of the future be like? What do we mean when we hear about smart cities? Often the expression smart city - a consequence of the digital transformation and the use of IoT technology in the different spheres of the Public Administration - is associated with the technological dimension present in cities […]
The digital transition The consistent increase in data for all modern companies is one of the most important recent drivers towards the digital transition. Companies that do not yet collect data from their internal and external processes and for the various business units (from production to administrative offices) are destined to lag behind in the […]
A great result On topics such as environmental sustainability, business processes and especially on the quality of our products and solutions, we chose to never compromise. We chose to pursue what we think are the best decisions and to improve the market we operate in and the community we live in as people. We’re satisfied […]
What is prediction? For prediction, we mean to foretell the occurring of an event in advance according to hypotheses based on mathematical calculi. Within the word “prediction”, are stored all the essence and the desire that drive monitoring. Today, we can’t be happy with the mere knowledge of what’s happening to a thing in real-time. […]
TECH COFFEE BREAK with Andrea Canfora Edge computing is a distributed and open IT architecture with a decentralized computing power. It supports mobile computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. In edge computing, data are processed by the same device or by a local computer or server, rather than being transmitted to a data center. […]